Student Life

Medical Amnesty Policy

Letter from the Vice President for Student Life

Dear Students,

Medical Amnesty is available for Manchester University students in the following circumstances: 

1)    Medical Amnesty may be requested by students who seek medical assistance for someone for whom there is concern due to excessive alcohol or substance consumption. 

2)    Medical Amnesty may be requested by the person who has consumed excessive alcohol or substances AND for whom medical attention is sought by a non-University official.

Requests for Medical Amnesty are reviewed by a committee to determine if amnesty will be granted. The policy does not preclude our Office from requiring educational programs or substance abuse assessments as we deem necessary.

Our prominent concern at Manchester University is the health and safety of our students and thus we want to encourage every student to call for help for themselves or for another individual during alcohol, drug, or other health emergencies. If medical assistance is needed, do not hesitate to call 911 immediately.

Thank you for being a student with ability and conviction who looks out for your peers. When in doubt, please call for help.

The complete Medical Amnesty Policy is posted within this website to be viewed within its entirety.


Abby Van Vierah
Vice President for Student Life

Policy Statement

Manchester University (MU) encourages a living and learning environment that promotes the health and safety of all members of the MU community. Drug or alcohol consumption – including excessive consumption, consumption of a dangerous substance, or consumption by someone with sensitivity – can cause serious physical and neurological harm or be life-threatening. As such, students are encouraged to make responsible decisions and to seek medical attention in serious or life-threatening situations that result from alcohol and/or other drug abuse; students are also encouraged to seek help for any situation where medical treatment is reasonably believed to be appropriate. If a student is so intoxicated s/he is unable to be awakened, letting that person “sleep it off” is not a reasonable alternative to getting him/her the necessary medical help. Students may be hesitant to seek help in such emergencies because of fear of potential conduct and disciplinary consequences for themselves or the person in need of medical attention.

Purpose of Policy

Manchester University is committed to promoting a safe and healthy environment for all students. A medical amnesty policy benefits our campus by encouraging our students to make responsible decisions in seeking medical attention in serious or life-threatening situations that result from alcohol and/or other drug abuse and in any situation where medical treatment is reasonably believed to be appropriate. If a student is so intoxicated or drugged that s/he is unable to be awakened, letting that person “sleep it off” is not a reasonable alternative to getting him/her the necessary medical help. This policy seeks to diminish fear of disciplinary and conduct sanctions in such situations and to encourage individuals to seek medical attention for students in distress from alcohol and/or drug use.


Manchester University students who require and received medical attention as a result of alcohol and/or illegal drug use and/or a student who called for medical assistance for alcohol/drug use may be considered for Medical Amnesty by first completing an application. The application MUST be completed and submitted online to the Student Life within three working days of the offense. Click here for the application.

Medical Amnesty Application Process

Student health and safety are of primary concern at Manchester University. As such, in cases of serious intoxication and/or alcohol poisoning the University encourages individuals to seek medical assistance for themselves or others. If an individual seeks medical attention due to his/her own level of intoxication which reasonably appears to create serious and immediate risk to the individual, the Manchester University conduct system may not pursue disciplinary sanctions against the student for violations of the Alcohol or Drug Policy of the Code of Conduct. Additionally, those students who assist in obtaining medical attention may also not receive disciplinary sanctions for violations of the Alcohol Policy of the Code of Conduct.

To request Medical Amnesty consideration, an application MUST be completed and submitted online to the Student Experience Center within three working days of the offense. Click here for the application.

When Medical Amnesty is applied, the intoxicated student (and possibly the student who called for medical assistance) will be required to meet with the Dean of Student Experience or his designee, who may issue educational requirements which may include, but are not limited to: alcohol and/or drug education, counseling, and/or a substance abuse assessment. Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern and response. Failure to complete educational assignments or treatment recommendations issued under this policy typically will result in disciplinary action. The student will be responsible for any costs associated with alcohol/drug education interventions. In most cases, a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents or legal guardian if the student is under 21 years of age.

Medical Amnesty does not preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violations of the Code of Conduct (not related to the Alcohol or Drug Policy). Likewise, Medical Amnesty does not prevent action by North Manchester police or other law enforcement personnel.  The Indiana Lifeline law does protect someone under the age of 21 who has been drinking and calls for medical assistance for someone who is under the influence of alcohol or another substance. The caller will need to remain with the person in need of medical attention and cooperate with the police/medical authorities upon arrival. 

If the student is involved in any subsequent (i.e. repeat) alcohol and/or drug abuse incidents and applies for Medical Amnesty, the situation will be evaluated by the Student Experience Office. The availability of Medical Amnesty for students with repetitive violations will be determined on a case by case basis. Typically, repetitive violations will be handled through the regular conduct process and will be considered for sanctioning purposes if a student does not demonstrate a commitment to the steps recommended by the staff and/or health care professional(s) and is involved in repetitive alcohol and/or drug abuse incidents.

·         Medical Amnesty may be applied for the MU student who actively assists by initiating and seeking medical assistance and/or medical treatment on behalf of themselves, another student, or a friend

·         Actively assisting requires that an individual:

o    Call North Manchester Police (260-982-8555 or 911) or seek another individual qualified to assess the student’s condition such as a Resident Assistant (RA) or Student Health Assistant or Hall Director (HD) or University Safety

o    Monitor the intoxicated student’s condition until help arrives.

·         The following are not covered by the Medical Amnesty Policy:

o    Students waiting, but not actively involved in seeking medical assistance or actively monitoring the student in need until the police or other authority arrive

o    Action by police or other law enforcement personnel

o    Violations of the Code of Conduct other than the Alcohol/Drugs Policy

o    Possession with the intent to distribute drugs.

Disclosure of Amnesty Incidents

The University may disclose amnesty incidents with the student’s consent. The University also may disclose an incident if a student is applying for a student employment at Manchester University..

Illustrative Examples

1) John and Sarah (both under 21) are at a party when Sarah begins to show signs of intoxication (slurred speech, unsteady on her feet, vomiting). John decides to walk Sarah home. While walking near a residence hall on the street, University Safety sees Sarah walking unsteadily, she is throwing up, and hitting parked cars as she walks by them.  The North Manchester Police (NMPD) are driving by and observe this also. The NMPD stop and the officer cites Sarah for underage possession/consumption of alcohol. John also is cited for underage possession/consumption.

The Medical Amnesty Policy does not apply because John was not actively seeking medical attention for Sarah, and he did not seek out a qualified individual (such as an RA or University Safety) to assess Sarah’s condition. Medical Amnesty also does not apply to action by law enforcement.

2) Ramon comes home to find his roommate, Zach, passed out on his bed and Ramon thinks it may be from drinking. Ramon finds the RA for help who determines with the assistance of the University Safety that Zach needs medical attention.  Safety calls for an EMS, and EMS transports Zach to the hospital. The RA, and University Safety document the  incident and it is noted that Ramon also appeared to be intoxicated.

The Medical Amnesty Policy does apply to both Ramon and Zach because Ramon sought assistance from an RA (a University official) for Zach. Both students may receive amnesty (application required, submitted within three days) and will not receive disciplinary charges as a result of this incident if they apply for and are granted medical amnesty. Both will likely receive some form of alcohol education as a result of this incident.

3) A University Safety officer observes a large group of people exiting a residence hall one night. The officer observes Jean being held up by two of her friends, who are also underage and had been drinking; Jean is unable to speak coherently and is passing in and out of consciousness. The Safety Office officers enlists medical help for Jean.

Jean may not apply for Manchester University Medial Amnesty because her friends were not seeking medical attention for her. Had the friends called 911 for medical assistance or sought out an RA, HD, or University Safety to assist with getting medical attention for Jean, then Jean could apply for medical amnesty as could her friends.

Indiana Lifeline Law

As a university we recognize that many students may make the choice to use alcohol to cope with adjustment to college life, to “fit in” or just to have fun. Alcohol is not an effective coping mechanism nor one that this campus endorses. At Manchester University our PRIMARY concern is for your safety. Please take note of the following information about the Indiana Lifeline Law.

  • Indiana Lifeline Law
    • The Lifeline Law provides immunity for the crimes of public intoxication, minor possession, minor consumption, and minor transportation alcohol to persons who reveal themselves to law enforcement while seeking medical assistance for a person suffering from an alcohol-related health emergency.
    • In order to receive immunity, the person must demonstrate that they are acting in good faith by completing ALL of the following:
      • Providing their full name any other relevant information requested by law enforcement officers
      • Remaining on the scene until law enforcement and emergency medical assistance arrives
      • Cooperating with authorities on the scene
    • The law will not interfere with law enforcement procedures or limit the ability to prosecute for other criminal offenses such as providing to a minor, operating while intoxicated, or possession of a controlled substance.
  • Make the call
    • Events such as the one that happened at Indiana University beginning fall semester 2014 are far too common. Please keep your safety and the safety of others in mind to prevent this from happening at Manchester University. An Indiana University freshman died recently after falling at an off-campus party.
  • Know the signs of Alcohol Poisoning
    • Call 911 if a person has any of the following symptoms:
      • Unconscious or semiconscious
      • Breathing less than 10 times per minute or irregular breathing (check every two minutes)
      • Cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin
      • Can’t be awakened by pinching, prodding or shouting
      • Vomiting without waking up

Manchester University is committed to the health and safety of every individual and we encourage you to make the call if you or someone you know is in danger.

Contact Information

Calvin Ulrey 1st floor

Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Phone: 260-982-5306
Fax: 260-901-8046